Thursday, May 3, 2012

WOW!  Time flies!  I have been involved in my studies at MSU and we just finished the first term of my study.  I did good, got all A's so far.   Now to keep that standard all the way through and I will feel like "Mission Accomplished."  I'm a glutton for punishment I think, because I signed up for classes for the summer too.  I am totally enjoying the learning experience I am having with my studies and the discussions with classmates.

Weather is very spring out now, wind one day, beautiful sunshine the next and sometimes a bit of rain in between.  Flowers are blooming, grass is green and getting mowed now.  Now I wonder what I was thinking of when I wanted a golf course sized lawn.  I don't have the maintenance crew a golf course has.  DRAT!  Don't get me wrong, I love it, I love the green grass, mowing and taking care of it.  I still think the grass is prettier than the weeds so it works good for me.  Trying to get the family garden rototilled and planted by the end of the month.  Always have to plant one field of corn just because the cows like it so well.  They can't wait until I bring them their daily bundles of corn stalks in the fall.

My dear darling Corgi decided to have her litter of 9 puppies under my desk.  She always wants to be close to me.  This way she can keep an eye on me and her kids at the same time.  What a mother she is!  It makes me stay awake though because I can't move my chair without checking first to see if any of the puppies are under my chair.  That would be the pits to run over a baby puppy with my chair.  I hate to tell Spitfire this but her puppies and her will have to move outside to the kennel in another week.  I can't have that many puppies stirring up a mess in the house.

That's about all for the latest trivia I have this time.  Catch you all next time.  In the meantime, stay happy, healthy and peaceful.  Hugs, Joan ♥

Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter is finally here!

This morning it looks like winter has finally arrived.  At least there is some snow on the ground.  It has been so cold and dry this winter.  Groundhog saw his shadow, so perhaps the little darling was right this time and we will have some winter yet, even if it is only 6 weeks, it is better than not at all.  Mountains all around have less snow on them than I can ever remember, which is alarming because we need snow on the mountains in order to have irrigation from the run off in the summer for the local area farmers.

Okay off to shovel some snow.  ;) I enjoy it actually.  Catch ya all later......

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day! ♥

Happy Valentines Day to Everyone! 

Had a great day myself.  Lots of good wishes, some candy, much love and hugs. 

A ton of things to do today, many are left to do tomorrow, alas but that is another day.  

Been studying and studying on how to  make webpages, set up websites.  It is high time I learned how to do it.  I learned how to do screen shots today, that was an accomplishment in itself.

Until next time hope everyone has a super fine day.  ♥

Monday, January 30, 2012

Good night!

Good evening everyone,

Today was busy studying the Internet and helping my grandson with his homeschooling.  Been cracking books and training videos all day.  Time for a break and off to bed before I suffer a major overload from too much input.

Have a super evening and rest well. 


Friday, January 27, 2012

Take Me Back To The Sixties

Take Me Back To The Sixties

Guess I'm giving away my age here, because I fondly remember all this and it was a fun time.


Thursday, January 26, 2012


Dang, I'm not good at remembering what I got on to update on my posts.  I forgot to mention that the Bayliner boat is already sold.  I just don't want to take it down off my page because I think it looks kind of kewl on here.  ;)

OKay think I really have my blog caught up now.  I Hope. :)

CU Joan

Mchael Jackson Neverland Horse

I keep forgetting to mention that I did get the Michael Jackson Paint gelding from Neverland Ranch video posted on YouTube.  This is the link if you would like to see it.  The video is a bit fuzzy, but I couldn't figure out anyway to clear it up. 

All in all actually I am patting myself on the back a bit because I actually did it.  Now to keep trying to see if I can get better at it.

Rained a pretty steady downpour all night last night.

Catch ya on down the boulevard.  Have a super fine evening!  Joan

Weather report Wed

Weather seems to be so off and on, up and down lately it's weird.  Today it has acted like a nasty spring day.  Raining, raining and did I mention it is raining!  Great weather for ducks, Oregon Ducks too.  Is a nice day to curl up by the fire and read a good book.

Did some clean up today inside.  Have you ever noticed how an un-used spare bedroom becomes a catch all that has to be mucked out once in awhile anyway?  UGH!

Catch ya'll later.  Joan

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday - Today

Wow January is nearing the end already.  Nice, warmer, kind of balmy day today, almost spring like at least until about dark, then the wind kicked in and made it miserable to be out. 

The phone about rang off the hook today.  One after another.

Picked up a new boar today that is a Hampshire A-I boar from Illinois, he should kick up my pig breeding program another notch.  He does have the modern look, wide stanch, big hips and up -looking way of moving.  Next litters of pigs this fall will be interesting to see if he was a good choice or not.

Ya'll have a super evening.  JB

Monday, January 23, 2012

Whats new

Winter has finally came to Southern Oregon. It has been cold and dry all winter until this last week. Now it is rain, snow, blow and cold. At least the snow melts off between storms.

So sad the SF 49ers didn't make it to the Super Bowl, sure wanted them to.

Catch ya on the flip flop......JB