Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter is finally here!

This morning it looks like winter has finally arrived.  At least there is some snow on the ground.  It has been so cold and dry this winter.  Groundhog saw his shadow, so perhaps the little darling was right this time and we will have some winter yet, even if it is only 6 weeks, it is better than not at all.  Mountains all around have less snow on them than I can ever remember, which is alarming because we need snow on the mountains in order to have irrigation from the run off in the summer for the local area farmers.

Okay off to shovel some snow.  ;) I enjoy it actually.  Catch ya all later......

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day! ♥

Happy Valentines Day to Everyone! 

Had a great day myself.  Lots of good wishes, some candy, much love and hugs. 

A ton of things to do today, many are left to do tomorrow, alas but that is another day.  

Been studying and studying on how to  make webpages, set up websites.  It is high time I learned how to do it.  I learned how to do screen shots today, that was an accomplishment in itself.

Until next time hope everyone has a super fine day.  ♥